
Trip Report    

Alpine Scramble - Mineral Mountain

Gorgeous autumn day for this long trip, fabulous views!

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • I re-scheduled this trip from 9/22 to 9/23 because of the much better weather forecast.  It turned out to be a fantastic day with blue sky, awesome views, and fun adventure with great companions.

    The Wonderland Trail from Sunrise to Mystic Lake is in good shape.  The log bridge over Winthrop Creek was relocated and now has a hand-rail for better security. The flattened top surface of the log is slightly tilted down, and there was a thin coating of ice on it on our morning crossing; no ice on the return. Caution needed, however, even with no ice - the bridge is narrow and the creek is flowing fast and furious - a fall into it would not be good.

Started our trip at 6:40 a.m. in cold temps and breezy, got back to car at 7:25 p.m. in cold temps and breezy.  No wind at Mystic Lake, calm on Mineral summit.  Left the Wonderland Trail at about 5900' to traverse around to the south side of Mineral.  Some bushwacking and route finding fun, with occasional boot or animal paths appearing.  Lots of bear scat, but no bears seen. Very few hikers on the trail and no one at the lake. The summit scramble was enjoyable and relatively easy. We wore helmets only for protection in the event of a fall.  GPS showed 22 miles round-trip and 5300' el. gain. A long 13 hour day and tiring with a lot of ups and downs on the Wonderland, but a very nice, enjoyable trip.