Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Alpine Scramble - Mount Howard

A change of objective from Mt Watson/Anderson. An interesting weather day with a successfully summiting of Mt Howard.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • The route was in good shape, the only issue was the wet brush and rocks.

    The Meritt Lake TH access road was rough in places with large rocks.

The weather forecast was for 60% showers with less then a tenth of a inch. We had light rain at times and a few snow flakes on the summit.

We started at the Meritt Lake TH and followed it to the junction with the Nason Ridge trail. We then followed it to Crescent Lake. We then walked around the lake and when up the large gully to get above the cliffs. We then traverse northwest and found a gully which we when up which lead to less steep terrain. From there we work up the meadows, boulders and small trees to the summit.

Views were limited a couple of pictures along the Nason Ridge trail and looking down at Crescent Lake.

