Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Alpine Scramble - Mount Mastiff & Mount Howard Loop

Trails are in decent shape, not much snow on the route. Trail from Crescent Lake is a watercourse in places. . 9 hrs 45 min C2C with 30+ minutes at Mastiff and 45 min at Howard summits.

  • Road rough but passable
  • Trails are in decent shape, Nason Ridge trail more overgrown than Merritt Lake Trail, a few blowdowns but most can be easily navigated. Not much snow on the route. Distinct bootpath from Nason Ridge Trail to Mastiff summit. Descent from Mt Howard to Crescent Lake was probably the most technical section. Trail from Crescent Lake is a watercourse in places.

9 hrs 45 min C2C including ~30 minutes at Mastiff and ~45 min at Howard summits. Party of four, in good condition and with good attitudes about doing the trip in less than ideal weather.

Weather was low clouds, brief drizzle, a little sunshine. Wet brush required use of rain gear for most of the trip. No views from the summits. The sun came through for maybe an hour as we descended from Howard to Crescent Lake, for some nice terrain views.

Roughly 5100' gain, 12.5 miles. We used trekking poles and helmets but no ice ax.

There is no summit register on Mt Howard, just an empty PVC container and pencil.

The register on Mt Mastiff is close to full, maybe a page left.