Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Alpine Scramble - Peak 6,050 (aka Not Bryant)

Wet weather. Turned around at the Thumb Tack after viewing rockfall.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Damp day.  Light rain throughout.  Still snow above Source Lake, even on this low snow year.

The first real rainy day in a month.  Still a group gung ho enough to brave the weather and try for the peak.

Trail was fine up to Source Lake.  The old trail has been washed out and rebuilt but still can be followed.  Worked our way to the "Thumb Tack" a rock in the basin below Chair Peak.

While taking a short break there was a big rumble, "AVALANCHE", which turned out to be rockfall.  Coming right down the chute we were planning to go up.  "Sorry group but we aren't going to go up that"

Discussed why we saw rockfall.  (First rainy day in a month, many freeze/thaw cycles lately)  Glad we weren't just a little bit earlier or we could have been right in the path of those rocks.

Discretion being the better part of something, we considered alternate plans.  There is another route to Not Bryant that avoids the chute but does travel right above a steep cliff band.  The nearest alternate summit would have been Rock Thunder (also known as Avalanche) but the group as a whole wasn't going to make it.

Made a loop of the old trail and followed the ridge to the main Snow Lake trail at the saddle above the lake.  No visibility for the day, so the views were all white.  After enjoying the view of whiteness that was in the direction of the lake we headed back down to the cars and the promise of home.

Turned around but it still managed to be a nice conditioner and we got to work out on some fairly steep and hard snow.  Crampons had been required, intended for the now infamous chute, but we didn't use them in the terrain we were on.