Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Alpine Scramble - Satulick Mountain

Terrific early June snow scramble. A lot of snow along the Wonderland has melted out but there is plenty of snow left to allow good kick steps.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles

We had a small group of 4.  We started at the Wonderland trailhead that is half a mile up the road from Longmire.  We followed the Wonderland across Kautz Creek.  The Pearl Creek crossing has a large log to cross.  We continued up and across Fisher's Horn Creek where the bridge is partially destroyed, but passable.  We encountered intermittent snow at 4,300 feet and by 4,700 feet the Wonderland was covered in snow and we had to do a little route finding.  We continued to Devil's Dream Camp and found campsite 3 which is where we headed WSW and up to the actual summit.  We kicked stepped up and made it to the summit in 3h 35 minutes.  We found the cairn that marks the summit and took our lunch break there.  We descended the way we came by plunge stepping back down to Devil's Dream Camp. and made it back to the car in 3h 5 minutes.  With our lunch break, car to car was about 8 hours.  Weather was sunny and mild.  Snow was adequately soft for kick stepping an plunge stepping.