Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Alpine Scramble - Snoqualmie Mountain

This was a good scramble on a pleasant day, but would have been better with more snow.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • There wasn't enough snow anywhere on the route to practice self-arrest or do any glissading, but there was enough to practice walking in balance and there were many transitions to and from the snow.  The snow is melting fast, though.

    The stream crossing below the waterfall was straightforward.

This was an enjoyable trip with no significant problems, other than a lack of enough snow to do any arrest practice or glissading.  To get to more snow would have required a significant detour.  Weather was beautiful at the start of the trip, then gradually got cloudier.  There were still good views from the summit, although most of Rainier and the top of Glacier Peak were obscured.  The forecast had indicated the possibility of thunderstorms, and some of the cumulus was starting to build up, so we didn't stay long at the summit.  As it turned out, we didn't get any rain.