
Trip Report    

Alpine Scramble - Vesper - Wolf - Sperry Traverse

Rarely done Vesper wolf and sperry traverse. Great snow conditions and an awesome rock scramble with exposure on Wolf peak. Route finding always a puzzle on Sperry.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • See below. 

Three peak kind of day this weekend, after we made a conservative call on Rainier based on the weather forecast to not go there

Planned to do Vesper - Wolf - Sperry , so got a group together and bet our chances against forecast for thunderstorms

I did scout this route last year and with some planning, we were able to tag all three in less than 9 hours on Sunday

It was a hot and humid day, with most of us drinking more than 3-4 litres of water and supplemental energy drinks too

We had a mix of all terrain in this trip. Started with some trail, some slick creek crossings, humid trail running through bushes, scree fields, boulders fields till headlee pass

From there more screen till the lake, consolidated snow from the lake to vesper peak, kicking steps and some nice rock scramble along the edge


Plunge step our way 500-600ft to start a traverse to wolf peak, with some nice rock scrambling and tree hugging to the base of the wolf peak. Some exposed and airy moves to the summit of Wolf peak

Plunge step down, lots of bushwhacking and tree hugging to the Sperry peak and scramble down on tree whacking. In sperry peak once into the meadows go the left of the chair like looking rock and hit the ridge


The trail on the way down felt like forever in the overcast and humid conditions

10/10 on this trip. Covering all peaks in this region