
Trip Report    

Ape Canyon and Plains of Abraham

Beautiful sunny day exploring this fascinating volcanic landscape with our "sister" club, the Mazamas.

  • Wed, Jul 13, 2022
  • Ape Canyon
  • Day Hiking
  • Successful
  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • The Ape Canyon trail is in excellent shape. There is one loose sketchy stretch for a few feet directly above the canyon slot where extreme caution is needed. Gorgeous old growth trees along the way before leaving the forest, and some flowers are blooming. The Loowit Trail to Plains of Abraham is rocky but easily traveled.

    Looking down toward the abyss of Ape Canyon, Mt. Adams in the distance:IMG_3846.JPG

    View towards Plains of Abraham with Pumice Butte on the right:IMG_3871.JPG

    Another member and I couldn't resist bagging that little peak while the rest had lunch at the Butte's base. A very enjoyable day out and well worth the long drive!