Trip Report    

Backpack - Bean Creek Basin

Great one-Day backpacking trip to Bean Creek Basin and surrounding areas. Trail and campsite in great shape - wildflowers in abundance.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • 1.4 mile stretch of FR 9737-112 road to TH after turning off from FR 9737 somewhat rough in spots but should be passable to most vehicles with strategic driving.  Reached TH in middle of Sunday morning when others were leaving, and was able to secure two parking spots for our vehicles.  Trail starting from Beverly Turnpike TH and continuing on Bean Creek Basin (Trail 1391A) in great shape with no major obstacles to Bean Creed Basin Camp. Trails on two side excursions to shoulder below Bean Peak and to summit of nearby Earl Peak both in good condition and fully snow-free.

We arrived at TH mid morning on Sunday morning 7/10 and proceeded up the Beverly Turnpike and onto Bean Creek Basin (Trail 1391A).  Our team of 5 was  well-prepared and strong, and we made it to the Bean Basin Camp and set up camp.  After exploring the meadow up toward Mary and Judy Peaks in the early afternoon, the team hiked the trail to the shoulder below Bean Peak for outstanding views of the Stuart Range.  One of our team continued on the short scramble to the summit of Bean. 



Sunday night was cool - mid 40's but Monday morning dawned noticeably warmer.  Early Monday morning most of the team took the second side trip to Earl Peak, about 1.5 miles and 1,900 vertical ft. from Trail 1391A.


We broke camp just after noon and returned to the TH in considerably warmer weather.

Very strong and fun team - wonderful trip to the Teanaway.

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