Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Backpack - Mildred Lakes

Long 4 miles from trailhead to the Lakes over an unmaintained trail. Steep and rocky in places. Not quite a scramble, but almost; hands are needed to navigate several logs and boulders.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  •    Long 4 miles from trailhead to the Lakes over an unmaintained trail.  Steep and rocky in places.  Not quite a scramble, but almost; hands are needed to navigate several logs and boulders. Streams to cross by wading or walking across downed trees.  Found bees in at least two places along the trail.

Easy access to trail head at the end of Hamma Hamma River Road (No. 25).  National Forest Rules apply: TH pass required at TH, no hiking, camping or wilderness permits required.  Limited good camping sites at the Lakes; get an early start for weekend trips during the summer. 


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Steve Townsend
Steve Townsend says:
Jul 15, 2019 02:49 PM

This trail is NOT recommended for the novice hiker. In our party of six, all experienced wilderness hikers, three suffered bee stings and one suffered a radial fracture from a fall on the trail. With the proper experience and motivation however, there are plenty of physical and mental challenges on this trip, coupled with some magnificent scenery and wildlife. Bring a camera if you don’t mind the extra weight.