Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Backpack - North Fork Skokomish River & Flapjack Lakes

Three day backpack to Flapjack Lakes in the Olympics.

  • Road rough but passable

Three of us hiked to Flapjack Lakes on a Friday.  There were places along the 7.5 mile route where water is available.  The trail was in good shape, with only one blow down tree.  There was a ranger camping at Flapjack Lakes this weekend.  Only one other group came up and camped on Saturday.  We found a good campsite on the upper lake.  It had at least 6 tent sites, but when it rained we found out that some of the areas had water pooling in it.  There were smaller sites scattered around the two lakes.  We used the bear wire near the entrance to the lakes.  We did see a black bear grazing on the other side of the lake from our campground, both on Friday and Saturday.  They just erected a new enclosed pit toilet near the entrance to the lakes.  We hiked up to Gladys  Divide on Saturday afternoon.  There were several blow down trees that we had to climb over on the lower part of the trail.  As we hiked back on Sunday (a sunny fall day) we passed lots of hikers and backpackers going up the trail.