
Trip Report    

Backpack - Olympic Coast South: The Wildcatter Coast

We made this into a 3-day backpack trip camping for 2 nights at beautiful Toleak Point. It was an out and back trip from the Third Beach trailhead. Our middle day turned out to be a little wetter than desired but that did not dampen our spirits as we had the big payoffs with spectacular views on the two other days. Both nights were on the south side of Toleak Point about 7 miles south of the Third beach trailhead and it was great camping right on the beach listening to the surf all night long.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • The route was in good condition.  As long as one observes the tide tables for planning navigation around the headlands that are not passable in high tides there were no route obstacles. 

    There was lots of variety on the route ranging from wide open sandy beaches and rocky beaches as well as forest hiking where it was necessary to go inland to get up and over the headlands.  The  fixed ropes and rope ladders that are in place are a huge benefit as the trail getting up and down the sections accessing the headlands were a sloppy and muddy mess due to both recent and current rain. 



It was a great trip and as always the coast did not disappoint.  Even during the wetter periods the temperatures stayed comfortably in the 50's with no wind so the ocean could still be enjoyed to the fullest.

The scenery was magnificent as we had sprawling views of the wide open varied beach landscapes as well as panoramic views looking down on the beaches from up high on the headlands.  

A very memorable trip for all of us!

