Trip Report    

Backpacking Building Blocks Student-Only Backpack - Baker River & East Baker Lake

Easy beginner backpack trip to Noisy Creek from the North end of Baker Lake. Serene walk through lush forest covered in moss.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles

8am at Baker River trailhead parking with only couple of cars parked. Cloudy and cool but no rain yet. Walk on trail along Baker River for about half of mile to the bridge then walk along Baker Lake south. Gentle meandering trail near and above the lake with minimal elevation gain of 600ft or so. 4+ shallow creek crossings easily manageable. More toads hopping on the trail than slugs! Took 2 1/2 hours at a leisurely pace to Noisy Creek campsite, about 5 miles from the trailhead. About 6 campsites which were spread out and private. We were able to fit all four tents comfortably. Our site had picnic table and a bear vault and on the lake shore.


Even though the weather prediction was for rain Saturday, we lucked out having only sprinkles. We were even blessed with view of Mt Shukson and partial view of Mt Baker. We also took a side trip up the Noisy Creek trail for about half a mile to see the "Big" tree.


Not so lucky weather wise on Sunday morning. after the late night of rain on Saturday, it cleared up early in the morning only to start up after 7am. The area was socked in so we decided to pack up and head out after breakfast.

Successful trip for couple of B3 students. A nice easy beginning hike in a lovely forest.