
Trip Report    

Basic Alpine Climb - Devil's Peak/South Ridge

Failed summit attempt due to melted snowpack on 5/18/19

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Road is in good condition.  Spring growth made this really brutal, trail would be much better if covered in snow.  Lack of snow towards the top made the normal route impassable.  Would recommend not attempting this one until 2020.  

Road is in just fine trip.  The logging road up the first two miles was overgrown, but easy to follow.   The bushwack from the road to the basin was really overgrown with tons of devils club.  Attempted to go up the usual route past the lake after the basin, but with no snow there wasn't a way to navigate up to the notch between Devil's Peak and the false summit,  instead culminating in a granite wall covered in run off.  This climb is done for the season due to the meltout of all snowpack.