Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Basic Alpine Climb - Mount Olympus/Blue Glacier

Hiked in on evening of 7/11 and camped at Happy Four camp. There were no free slurpees. Hiked to Glacier Meadows on 7/12. Started for the summit at 2:30am and topped out at 10:30. Got back to camp around 4pm, broke camp and moved down to Lewis Meadow to shorten the long hike back to the TH. 7/14 hiked out and real food in Forks.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Lateral moraine was tough to navigate in the dark.  I recommend scouting it out the day before in the light.  Open crevasses with narrow/ broken up snow bridges between Snow Dome and Crystal Pass.  These will probably become more significant navigation issues in the coming week or two.