Trip Report    

Basic Alpine Climb - The Tooth/South Face

Great company, beautiful weather, and a wonderful day outside!

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • We left the Alpental parking lot at 8 AM. FYI- the bathrooms are still closed due to COVID. 

    We took the summer route. We more or less followed  this GPS track 

    After the turnoff to the climber's trail, the path was snow covered. It was a little slippery but soft and easy to kick steps into. I had the only posthole of the day when attempting to step from snow onto a boulder. Luckily, Abby was able to help me out! Given how hot and sunny it was today, I think postholing will become a big issue for groups headed out this coming week. 

    At Pineapple Pass we opted to use ice axes but no crampons. It was still easy to kick steps. 

    I climbed the route in two pitches, after accidentally missing a belay tree. I think it is possible to do it in 2 pitches with a 60m rope, but only if you don't place too much gear and avoid rope drag.

    Edel and I set a bomber handline anchor at the summit to guide our friends to the top where we enjoyed sunshine and snacks :) 

    After rapping down the route, we then collected our gear from the notch and used a double rope rappel to return to the snowfield. 

It was such a beautiful day! There were lots of wildflowers including trilium and many others which I cannot identify. The team was wonderful. We made sure to wear our masks any time we were at belay stations or needed to be close to one another. 

Car-to-car our time was about 10 hours for the four of us. Not the fastest, but I enjoyed every minute of it and am glad we didn't rush : ) 

Thank you everyone for making this climb possible! A huge thanks to Abby for stepping up to be our last minute leader! You're my hero!IMG_0151.JPEG

Here is the beginning of the snowfield. I had my posthole close to the clump of boulders. 


Laura on our fancy (and also unnecessary) hand line to the summit 

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