Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Basic Rock Climb - The Tooth/South Face

13 hour C2C midweek Climb of The Tooth.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Trail is snow free.  There is one patch of snow on the traverse above Source Lake with a sketchy snow bridge over which the normal route crosses.  It's liable to collapse soon.  Parties may need to detour above or below this.

     A few large patches of snow remain in Great Scott Bowl.  We brought ice axes and microspikes but did not use them.  Snow is thin where it meets the rock - so caution is advised. 

    In general route is great shape.

Nothing much out of the ordinary for a climb of The Tooth.  It was a 13 hour C2C trip.  It being a Friday, we brought up a total of 6 climbers (3 teams of 2).  Schedule is below:

6:15am - left cars

9:45am - arrive at Pineapple Pass

12:30pm - first team summits

1:30pm - start the descent (we rapped the route)

4:30pm - all back at packs

7:30pm - back at cars (we took a 30 min break in GSB to pump water and rest)