
Trip Report    

Basic Snowshoe - Lodge Lake

Soft snow with lots of open areas due to run off made this snowshoe more challenging. We also skirted Beaver Lake on the NW side to avoid any glide avalanches from opposing cliffy area.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • This trip is appropriate for weekdays when Summit West is closed to ski traffic.  We snowshoed up the ski trails to Beaver Lake.  Once we reached the output to Beaver Lake, we had to skirt some open areas.  We stayed on the W/NW side of Beaver Lake to avoid snow sloughing off the cliffy area opposite.  Glide avalanches were one of the risks of the day.  IMG_2066.JPG

    Much of this area is undermined with creeks flowing down from the summit towards Lodge Lake due to the many inches of rain recently, making it difficult for safe route finding for a moderate snowshoe.  IMG_2009.JPG



Due to route conditions, we decided to turn around before we reached Lodge Lake, for safety's sake.  We had lunch and delightful conversation at Beaver Lake, enjoying the fog across the valley and the glimpses of water below us.  

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