Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Basic Snowshoe - Paradise

A snow-y overcast beautiful day on the mountain!

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Road from Longmire to Paradise clear of snow, though it was wet from rain. No issues, gate opened just prior to 9:00 AM.

Got to Paradise on time, weather was chilly but moderately level overcast. While there was fresh snow, snow depth was only about four to five inches. somewhat better than bare minimum for snowshoes. We then went on road to Myrtle Falls, and then into Edith Basin. Visibility decreased as went higher in elevation, dropping eventually to about 100 yards in all directions. We eventually made it up to a saddle, and stopped for lunch. Snow fall seemed to re-start with more intensity, so we headed back to parking lot, this time take the "Waterfall" trail to meet with the trail going up Alta Vista.Due to low clouds and lack of visibility, we called it good.