
Trip Report    

Basic Snowshoe - Reflection Lake

Gorgeous day, and just in time before the incoming storm!

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • The route was nicely tracked out in perfect soft snow. Very steep entrance to the trail next to the comfort station. Quite cold in the morning, probably in the 20's but warmed to a few degrees above freezing on the way back. Sunny and no wind the whole day.

The Longmire gate opened at 9 and cars were lined up through the parking lot waiting their turn. The road up to Narada falls had a lot of icy stretches on bare road, but everyone was going slow and carefully. Chains were not needed. We arrived at Narada Falls parking a little past 9:30 to find the lot filling up quickly. The nice warm Comfort Station is aptly named.

We started snowshoeing at 10:00 and were back to the cars a little before 3.  There was not enough time to continue to Louise Lake, so we had a leisurely lunch at Reflection Lake while enjoying the mountain view!

The drive back down to Longmire was very slippery due to ice just beginning to melt on the road, and there was much more of it on the downhill side. My car with 2 passengers slid twice but I regained control quickly. Fortunately no one was coming up in the opposite direction and we were fine. Most vehicles seemed to keep a good distance from each other. Chains would not have helped much, if at all, in those conditions.

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