
Trip Report    

Basic Snowshoe - Reflection Lakes

April snowshoe on 5 meters (15 feet) of snow in the Paradise area. The volunteers who maintain the trail markers had removed the markers just for us. The challenge was appreciated by us but not by those who had little experience finding the way. We got up to Inspiration saddle and returned in excellent conditions.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • The high lakes trail had great snow. It is still in great conditon.

    The following days we snowshoed above Paradise to beyond Alta Vista, and also toured down the highway to 4th creek and then up onto Mazama ridge. Very nice snow. 

    Finally, we snowshoed to Panorama point base and headed down Edith Creek to Paradise. Absolutely wonderful snow. Exhilarating, actually. The warm sun was delightful. The snow cover was very stable. It could not have been better.April is not too soon to climb Rainier

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