Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Basic Snowshoe - Wenatchee Crest

On an overcast day, the 3 of us ventured up the less travelled Wenatchee Crest ridge line - pretty much the county line- to Cairn Hill. The undulations of the ridge provided a good workout with peek a boo views of part of the Stuart Range and SW towards Manatash Ridge.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Snow depth ranged from bare ground on the southerly wind swept, sun exposed face of the ridge, to a few feet on the lee, shaded, north side.   Typically on the ridge, there was 12-18” depth.  On the lee, shaded areas experienced what the NWAC forecast described as “faceted out” snow.   Not crusted, nor powder any longer.    

    The temperature ranged from 26 degrees to a high of about 33 degrees- so we did not experience snow degradation that might have occurred if the sun was out, and the temps had risen into the 40s.

    We did find a cornice on the lee - north side- of Cairn Hill.  It would appear to a concern with greater warming of releasing.