Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Bedal Peak

  • Sat, May 30, 2015
  • Bedal Peak
  • Scrambling

May 24 2015: Started trip from Road 4096 (NE route). No maintained trail - climber's bootpath all the way. Rating of this route is approx S5-T2. Bootpath starts NE from road, and is aggressively steep and has many deadfalls to climb under/over. It turns S on less steep terrain above/west of Nels Lake. There are 4 boulder fields to ascend, then start reaching meadows at a point marked with a unique & distinctive cluster of boulders. Approx 50' above these, turn sharply E to cross V-notch and ascend opposite side on mossy ramp (not visible from below). Go to E of large buttress, then turn S to reach mixed rock & snow at ~5200'. Long slog up snowfield adjacent to pinnacles on ridge. Summit is the last of these pinnacles; easiest reached by crossing snowfield SE to gain E ridge, and then easy walkup W to summit. We had a whiteout on the snowfield & made it difficult to navigate, as there are so many pinnacles on ridge; hard to tell when you are at the final correct one. When descending thru forest, bootpath is much less visibly obvious than the ascent; important to stay together here. Ascent was 6 hrs (quite slow pace), spent 30 min on summit, and 3.5 hrs descent (total of 10 hrs).