Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Bedal Peak

A good but and fairly strenuous scramble with a long forest ascent on rough climber's trail leading to heather and then a pleasant mixed snow and rock finish.

  • Sun, Jun 16, 2019
  • Bedal Peak
  • Scrambling
  • Successful
  • Road rough but passable
  • Merry Creek route, approached from FS Road 4096.  Climber's trail  starts at 2200 ft. and leads to heather meadows, and snow and some rock scrambling.  Snow above 5000 feet.  Some dead-fall, but bushwhacking is minimal.  Good navigation skills needed.  A few bugs between 4500 and 5500 feet.  Class 2.

Merry Creek route.  Take the (unsigned) Bedal Basin Road (4096) off the Mountain Loop Highway about 6.5 miles past Barlow Pass in the direction of Darrington.  The climber's path was flagged; it begins at ~2200 feet off the Bedal Basin Road at the second right switchback.  The route was  a well-flagged way trail, steep in spots (some dead-fall, not too bad), until the heather and huckleberry zone was reached about 4600 feet.   Here the trail became indistinct, with few flags. One should ascend south in heather, towards the basin until the forest gives way to a rock slide, about  5050 feet.  Do NOT ascend  the basin, but traverse horizontally left to cross a sort of rock jam just above where the basin narrows to a slot gully.  Find a ramp that angles left up about 50'.  It's critical to find this ramp as it is probably the only nontechnical way through the rock wall on this side of the gully.  Then follow cairns east into an area of heather and rock.  Snow was reached about 5000 feet (low snow year).  From here, the route was an enjoyable easy snow scramble.  Aim for the left side of the broad summit at the east end of the ridge.  A short class 2 rock scramble led to the summit.  The ascent took 5.5 hours, but could have saved an hour if no scouting was needed.  Stayed on the summit an hour.  Good views all around.  Descent took 3 hours.  Weather was sunny to partly cloudy.  Bugs were just beginning for the season, not bad yet.  Elevation gain about 4500 feet.  With one hour on the summit the total time was 9.5 hours.


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Ansel Wald
Ansel Wald says:
Jun 17, 2019 07:30 PM

Starting point is wrong on this map. I don't know how to move the balloons.

Jeff Bowman
Jeff Bowman says:
Jun 18, 2019 06:17 AM

I moved the start point on the map for you. To move or place map points on a map when you are adding or editing a trip report, just click on the map where the balloon should be. When adding or editing, you also an enter an exact GPS point (e.g. 48.073452, -121.376672) in the search at the upper right of the map or search for a geographic name or address, and click on the the correct search result.