
Trip Report    

Big Four Ice Caves

We were going to hike to Monte Cristo. We turned around due to a slippery log crossing. We hiked to the Ice Caves instead.

  • Sun, Sep 16, 2018
  • Big Four Ice Caves
  • Day Hiking
  • Successful
  • Road suitable for all vehicles

We parked at the first trailhead with the picnic shelter. It poured rain, we didn't get much of a view. The boardwalk is in great condition. The water was about twelve inches below the boardwalk. The trail is clearly marked. The trail at the caves is lined with rocks, a small area for observation of the Ice Caves with a few places for people to sit. There is also a memorial there. The caves are small this year compared to previous years. The Forest Service Ranger said this is due to the high snowpack from earlier in the year. 

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