Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

CHS 2 Hike - Kachess Ridge

Encountered heavy snow on trail at about 1 mile. Snow became eventually 1- 3 feet deep. Forced to turn around at about 3.6 miles due to a major stream crossing.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Started at Kachess Ridge trailhead, trail was in good condition for about the first mile until we started encountering snow across the trail.

    Snow became  1 - 3 deep. There  were numerous bogs and stream crossings, very slow going. Since trail was entirely covered with snow, navigation was difficult. Forced to turn around due to a major stream crossing.

    I don't recommend this trip as a hike until the snow melts down significantly, probably in mid to late July.

    Turned around at elevation 3,874 feet and coordinates N47.307251, W121.175408. 

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