Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Cross-country Ski - Cabin Creek

Fantastic conditions, great coverage

  • Road suitable for all vehicles

Plenty of parking of course for our mid-week morning arrival. No wind at the parking or bridge walk and calm all day. Temps were cooler than I anticipated from my research of the pass weather and stations to the east. The area had been groomed beautifully that morning, as a surprise for a Wednesday ski. Most likely done as there were two large buses with about sixty plus youth and their chaperones/instructors. We hit the trails just ahead of them and only saw occasional small groups in the loops we skied, a lot of beginner activity and snow play near the ski club hut, fun had by all.

The snow was smooth and fast, turning was easy on the fresh groom, and it stayed cool until after one o'clock, when the temps did warm noticeably. Enjoyed a sunny warm lunch break halfway through our first tour of the outer loop. Did two more loops of the inner/shorter loop for about <four hours of skiing. Great team, lots of smiles.  

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