Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Cross-country Ski - Plain Valley Nordic Ski Trails

Very Pleasant, laid back place to XC Ski

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Snow was good this year.  All trails were groomed for skate and most all trails had classic tracks also.  A bit thin in the normal spots by hot-tub hill and by the horse stables.

This trip was supposed to have 9 skiers but all but the leader and one guest member on her first Mountaineer activity canceled out.  Reason for cancels was because it was predicted that there would be heavy snow overnight and early morning which might have closed Stevens Pass.  As it happened the weather cooperated, the pass was open both coming and going, and the two of us had a great ski day.

Ski equipment can be rented at Plain Valley Hardware.  You also buy your trail pass at the hardware store.  They've got a pretty nice gift and clothing area as well as a well-stocked albeit small actual hardware store.  The coffee shop makes good lattes and other coffee drinks.