Track_CalTopo 2-11-24 See 'n Ski Chiwawa Loop.png

Trip Report    

Cross-country Ski - See and Ski Chiwawa SnoPark Loop

Fun and scenic 6-8 mile ski tour along the Wenatchee River just east of the outflow from Lake Wenatchee.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • 2024 is proving to be a thin snow year and this route reflected that.  It had been groomed the day before so when there was enough cover the skiing was pretty darn good.  Tracks were set on much of the route except where cover was too thin.  There were a couple stretches on the lower trail down by the river where we either very gingerly walked across bare ground without taking our skis off or, in one case, we did remove our skis.  Those stretches were perhaps 10-20 yard each.

    Overall the snow was quite skiable however there was ice in many of the more shaded, thin cover spots, especially on our return loop along Squirrel Run.  We skied counterclockwise, starting on the See 'n Ski trail and then crossed over the road to the Squirrel Run trail on the way back.  

    Weather was decent.  Had light rain while driving there but then it snowed large flakes for a couple of hours.  No real build-up.  Started light rain again just as we finished our ski.

    This trip is shown as a BLUE trail for See 'n  Ski and Squirrel Run and I agree with its rating.  It isn't for strictly new beginners.  Our group was composed of 2 experienced leader/skiers and 4 students from the Everett 2024 Basic Cross-Country Ski Course.  All the students were above average and handled the trail quite well.  A few falls but no injuries or major train wrecks.  I would not recommend this for someone who doesn't have good snow-plow control.  I definitely would not recommend the Squirrel Run trail for any that aren't yet in control of their skis and ski techniques.  Go out and back on the See 'n Ski.  There are some hills on See 'n Ski that are definitely BLUE.   Of course, one can always just remove your skis and walk down/up any overly challenging areas.

    Scroll through the images below for summary, track, and profile data.

Trip Data Summary 2-11-24.pngScreenshot 2024-02-12 101747.pngScreenshot 2024-02-12 102136.png