
Trip Report    

Day Hike - Cedar Butte (Olallie State Park)

Hike to a valley view.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • The trail we took was from the Cedar Falls Trailhead to Cedar Butte. The route included the  side trail on the way down. The entire trail was well marked. There were some downed trees though nothing that impacted our pace.

The hike started around 8 AM so traffic was light. There was plenty of parking when we arrived at the trailhead (discover pass required).

The day started out a bit foggy though closer to the trailhead it was clearer. By the time we reached our summit the sky was clear and sunny. A member of our group is an avid mushroom forager though we didn't find anything edible on our hike.

We made good time for the hike with it taking 2 1/2 hours total which included a break at the summit. Overall it was a great hike to start the day.

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