Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Day Hike - Coal Creek Falls Loop

A pleasant evening hike at Cougar Mountain.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  •  The trail was in great condition along the entire route.

 The parking lot had plenty of spaces when the hike started. It does appear that the county has repainted the lines on the parking lot which includes a lot of restrictions (no more parking on the sides or using the trailer parking spots).

The weather was clear during our hike and we got glimpses of sun at times. The temperature was very pleasant.

The route we took included Coal Creek Falls as well as Far Country Falls. Coal Creek Falls was a trickle. Far Country Falls was completely dried up. It appears that this late in the season we can't expect much as far as the Cougar Mountain waterfalls go. The hike was still great as we were in good company with the forest pretty much to ourselves.