
Trip Report    

Day Hike - Cougar Mountain: Jim Whittaker Wilderness Peak Trailhead

A nice hike in the woods on a not-too-wet day!

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • All the trails on our loop hike were in good shape. Most of the many trees that had fallen were cleared from the trails as well as the branches and general storm debris. Thank you King County trail crew!

The morning forecast called for rain mainly starting around 11:00, but it never really had much of a start. It was mostly light drizzles the whole time combined with tree drips - not a soaker, but just enough to get us fairly wet by the time we got back to our cars. We completed our hike exactly as advertised in its entirety with a little over eight miles rt and 1,800' gain. We had boots on trail a few minutes past 8:30 and were back just past 12:30. In sum, we enjoyed our day together in the forest with talk, laughter, and camaraderie!

