Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Day Hike - Crystal Lakes (Mount Rainier)

Successful hike with the Tacoma Conditioning Hiking Series class. We hiked to the upper Crystal Lake and explored trails around the lake.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • The trail was in good condition. There were a few muddy patches around the lake, on the trail toward Sourdough Gap.

Our CHS hike to Crystal Lake was fun and successful. We had good trail conditions, good weather, great views,  and a group of strong hikers.  After lunch at the lake we went about a half mile up the trail that goes to Sourdough Gap. We didn't go all the way to gap, but went up high enough to get good views of Mt. Rainier. The wildflowers were blooming -- lots of anemones!  There were a few mosquitos, but the bugs weren't bad.