
Trip Report    

Day Hike - Dirty Harry's Peak

Amazing to me still how even on sunny weekends, above the Balcony, how empty this trail is. Great group. Great conditions.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Snow above Balcony. Assuming wearing light hiking boots, microspikes needed fairly soon after. Maybe because yesterday was Vet Day, holiday for many, snow was packed along the trail whole way to summit.

    Leaving the parking lot at 8am, was still less than half full. Saw no one else on our way up and descending, until the Balcony, saw maybe 12 people total ascending.
    Two of those ascending were people I know. They said DHP was their PlanB. They'd started at Tiger but faced with "hundreds of cars," decided to drive farther east.
    It WAS crowded at the Balcony and below the Balcony. But that was fine, everyone's dogs were leashed, everyone polite, many giving us the right of way even though those ascendingdirty harrys Apr 21-185512913.jpg had it. Parking lot was full when we reached it at 2:30pm.
    Beware of possible cornices on east side of summit ridge.
    Today, crossing the stream by the turn-off to Harry's Museum was easy and fairly dry. That's not always the case.
    Summit photo from 4/21 because I neglected to take any pics today until we were back down at Balcony.

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