
Trip Report    

Day Hike - Eagle Peak Saddle

By paying closer attention to the journey, even the wildest weather forecasts can be a success and an opportunity to meet new like-minded people.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Mt. Rainier National Park

    PARKING: Plentiful. Bring your America the Beautiful pass and ID to gain entry. The two lines were open and short.

    LONGMIRE: After carpooling from a variety of locations. We parked at Longmire and walked through park housing and across the suspension bridge. There are a few spots to park here.

As a hike leader, I started talking to my co-leader, David, the day prior, early, a total of at least 3 times that day. I didn't plan on over-thinking this reasonably short hike with nice elevation as much as I did but, equipped with three differing weather reports from NOAA, and, none of them matched. So we hoped for the best and then packed for sunny views, rain, snow and ice.

What usually happens in the PNW is we get a mix of all the above in the foothills but as it turned out this almost mid-fall day, is that fall can turn to winter in an instant and did at 4800' as we transitioned through elevations and seasons towards Eagle Peak Saddle.

TRAIL: The trail begins with beautiful mosses and spectacular fall foliage, fungai, and every shade of green. You'll see some pretty giant trees as well traveling up the first 3 miles of switchbacks. At 4800' we were met with the start of snow showers.


Then at three miles the trees open up to an avalanche chute and more snow and lingering ice from the previous day.

STEEP TRAIL: Arriving at this point with rock that was lightly covered in snow from the previous day, it wasn't too difficult to navigate with the new dusting and a steeper climb up to the saddle. 


VIEWS: On any other day there are views of St. Helens, Adams, and even Mt. Hood but none today, this hike will be all about the journey :)

HAZARDS: The trail is icy in spots today, through the trees now, some slippery branches lay frozen. Good thing we required micro spikes and trekking poles.

WEATHER: Continuing up, snow showers too were continual with spotty patches from 4800'-5800'. I would expect icy conditions throughout the remainder of winter. The next 10 days might be fun to do some route finding on foot however. 


The journey couldn't have been better. As a leader I always consider the emotional safety and experience of those on the hike above my own and equal to safety overall. But most of the time I luck out with people who share the true spirit of a hiker is as it should be, they just want to be outdoors. I always recharge my own hiker mind when I meet a lot of new folks eager to do just that; be outdoors and enjoy nature together.

In the end, success isn't always about the destination. I believe all hikes are a success, the destination in simple terms might give you motivation to see something, a view, a waterfall a checked box but, you always learn about the human side of the trip during the journey. The jobs, kids, family, passions, goals, heartbreaks and celebrations in life.

As the days grow shorter we all know what's around the corner next year... Another chance at a nice view and meeting new friends. 

It doesn't matter the weather when you pay attention to the journey.
