Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Day Hike - Eunice Lake & Tolmie Peak Lookout

successful day hike, weather slightly cooperated (no rain), snow still on ground around Eunice Lake. Trail good all the way.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Trail moist but no puddles. Some semi-hard snow patches around Eunice Lake, but absent everywhere else. Wildflowers in bloom.

started out from Mowich Lake along the lake, some lingering snow patches still. Trail moist but no puddles the rest of the way. Two easily passed blow-downs  across the trail. Lots of snow  still around Eunice Lake, Eunice Lake mainly free of snow/ice on surface. Trail past Eunice Lake clear of snow. Tolmie Peak in wispy cloud so no views afforded. plenty of people on trail and at peak. Everybody in good mood.