
Trip Report    

Day Hike - Glacier Basin (Mount Rainier)

The hike was a gradual grade along a well maintained trail. We encountered snow about half way on the trail. The basin provided great views, including downed trees from a previous avalanche. We also hiked the Emmons Glacier side route, which was more steep, included crossing White River via a foot bridge. The views of both Emmons Glacier and Mount Rainier were beautiful.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • The trail was in good condition, but there is still a lot of snow on the top half of the route to the basin.  Proper boots and anti-slip “grippers” are recommended.  There were many trails and paths, some of which have been crossed off to help guide hikers to the basin.  Careful crossing the wooden bridges as snow bridges have formed on either side that may give way.

    There was a previous avalanche at the basin and hence a portion of the trail was blocked, this will require maintenance when the snow melts to open the trail again.

    The bridge across White River was in good shape and included a hand rail.  The switch back on the Emmons Glacier side of the river, just after the bridge, is steep and the trail is narrow - caution going up this trail.