Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Day Hike - Iron Bear

Hiked to the junction and then the bump on the ridge. Ideal conditions, ideal group, perfect timing for the destination.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • About as good as it gets for trail conditions.  A couple of blowdown have already been addressed by the trail crew.  

Naturalist oriented trip.  Everyone was enthused to learn new species.  I was hoping to find steer’s head (Dicentra uniflora) but no dice...however we had a pleasant display of bitterroot and the scarlet gilia were already in bloom.  No encounters with mountain bikes or motor bikes (I have seen both before in this area).  There were double the number of hikers and cars on this trail compared to my last visit 5-6 years ago.  Word is getting out as to when flowers are at peak season at this destination and parking areas are overloaded. Fortunately, we came in just two vehicles and arrived relatively early.