Trip Report
Day Hike - Iron Bear & Miller Peak
day hike in the Teanaway area
- Sat, Oct 16, 2021
- Day Hike - Iron Bear & Miller Peak
- Iron Bear & Miller Peak
- Day Hiking
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
road had been recently dragged and the normal huge potholes were gone.
This was a plan B relocation from the west side to get to better weather. Which, was successful. It was sunny almost the entire day.
I had not done Miller without snow in over 25 years. Definitely the use for it has broadened and has dirt bikes on it now.
We ran into hunters almost immediately but they stayed down low so we only saw a couple the first mile and none after that. However, the same could not be said for dirt bikers. We ran into 7-8 on our way up and had to step off the trail to allow them to pass on the steep slopes we met them at. The 2 stroke exaust was not a positive addition to the hiking experience.
We had great views at the summit but also several additional dirt bikes showed while we were there and parked their bikes in the middle of the trail requiring us to go around them on our way down. The trail is also deeply rutted in places due to the bike activity, mainly at switch backs.
Overall, an Ok day but I'm not likely to go back and do this one again when the snow is gone in the future.