
Trip Report    

Day Hike - Iron Goat Trail

A delightful trip for a hot day. Lovely trail with shade, cool tunnels, berries and historical artifacts made for a easy and interesting day.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • The 3 mile section of the lower trail between Scenic and Martin Creek trail heads is supposedly ADA accessible.  One small section probably would have been difficult for a wheelchair to manage (big rocks, broken bridge) but most of the trail was smooth and wide with no barriers.

Our group of 5 enjoyed the shady  forest, several varieties of berries, and the cool breeze from several tunnels. We explored the lower trail only, leaving the steep switchbacks which could have been used to make a loop with the upper trail for another day.  For the most part, the lower trail was smooth and wide.  Many stinging nettles line the trail side, but they have been trimmed back and did not bother us.  We enjoyed stopping to sit on the benches and read interpretive signs along the way.  The cool breeze from the tunnels was especially refreshing on this hot day.