Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Day Hike - Lake Serene

Our group of four hikers had a great time. The trail was in good condition and we saw some interesting things. Everyone was a happy hiker.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Some ice on upper sections of the trail near the lake.

We saw a partially frozen Bridal Veil waterfalls, snow capped peaks in the distance, a blue-green Lake Serene and the massive Mt. Index walls. It was extremely windy at the lake so we did not stay longer than necessary to take some photos. Even though it was sunny today, we were shaded almost the entire time. Being a weekday, there were relatively few groups on this trail. The trail was in good condition except for the ice on some portions of the trail near the lake. Spikes were not needed as long as you are careful on these sections.  The gravel road to the trailhead was good for all cars.