Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Day Hike - Mima Falls

Good hike, large puddle 3/4 way around 6.5 mile loop if going clockwise.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Road is fine, bring discover pass. Muddy trail in places, one very large puddle. Mt. Bikes on trail and dogs. 

We got lucky and no rain. Trail is improving, still muddy in spots and very large puddle 3/4 way around going clock wise. Came across search and rescue practice all over. 

Fabulous trail this time of year, no bugs, no snow, just a bit of mud. Saw a newt that apparently has some poisonous skin  if touched. Safely removed from trail using a leaf.  Saw one very early violet flower! 


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Chas Dreyfus
Chas Dreyfus says:
Feb 08, 2020 04:00 PM

This was for me a great early season hike. Except for that one "lake" we had to skirt walking along the "shoreline"--where hiking poles came in very handy--the muddy spots were easily managed. Not only did it not rain at all, the sun came out! Lots of water going over the falls and standing sufficiently to form a number lakes in the forest wetlands. Really beautiful. Shared the trail with just two pair of runners, one mountain biker, and a few small groups of hikers. Plus Search and Rescue. :) Thank you, Terri!