
Trip Report    

Day Hike - Mount Rose

Summer has finally arrived!

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • The unpaved road is in good condition, very few potholes except the usual holes on the trailhead ramp. We did a clockwise loop from Horse Camp. The entire trail is in decent shape, but the loop down is getting overgrown on the upper stretch. The first stream crossing on the descent needs a better log or at least reinforcement of the two existing skinny ones.

Perfect day for this hike, partly sunny, not too warm, no wind, no snow, and only a handful of other people. Wildflowers are starting to appear: paintbrush, gentian, phlox, tiger lilies, and other little ones are out. Hungry flies at the summit and a few mosquitoes back at the cars in the afternoon. Drizzles began on our drive home. Overall, a good hike and workout with no crowds!

