
Trip Report    

Day Hike - Mount Walker

Nice relatively short hike on this chilly day!

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • The gate is closed, but parking is available there and a short distance along Hwy 101. We were the first ones to arrive just after 9 a.m. and only a couple more cars were there when we returned. Great day to have the trail to ourselves with only two other hikers. The trail is in great shape, just one tree down that's easy to step over.

We didn't have the hoped for views, but it was good being out. We also ran out of time and didn't go to the south summit. Several Gray Jays spotted us having snacks on the true summit and almost dived into someone's bag of trail mix! Unfortunately, the bag fell and emptied onto the ground and those "camp robbers" quickly scarfed it up. It is not good to feed birds or any wildlife, but this was unintentional. We moved to the nearby picnic bench, but the hungry birds found us and succeeded in getting a bit more treats. They were pretty aggressive. But - lesson learned: hold on to your snacks and try to cover it while eating, and keep it in your pack while not eating. I managed to get this shot when most of the gorp was either eaten or flown away!


Found an ancient dinosaur foot print on the summit:
