
Trip Report    

Day Hike - Mount Washington (Snoqualmie)

Nice early winter hike!

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • It's a rocky trail, but in good shape.  Had a few icy stretches that were easy to get around.  Pretty consistent packed snow on the trail during the final 1200' feet.  We used microspikes to save energy from trying not to slip.IMG_8724.JPG

IMG_8712.JPGWe started at 7:30, so didn't see many others until our descent, but still a good, uncrowded alternative to Mt. Si.  A few large potholes on the short drive to the trailhead from I-90 that were easy to avoid. It was very windy and cold at the trailhead, but no wind on the trail and just light breezes on the summit.  Pretty amazing!  We did have a great view of the inside of a cloud on the summit, and peaks of sun on the way down...  Overall, a very nice day with wonderful companions! Round trip 6 hours 20 minutes including short breaks and snacks on the summit.IMG_8713.JPG