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Trip Report    

Day Hike - Shriner Peak

Lost the rain lottery but gained a friend! Snow mostly melted out in the middle, lower and upper trail clear.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • The trail is melted out the first 3 miles and the last one mile. In between there is intermittent snow that makes route finding necessary.  At about mile two, the foliage is overgrowing the trail, and people are starting to snap back tree branches.

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    The lookout base is free of snow, but the loo at the summit is snow covered.

Being a highly optimistic person regarding weather forecasts, I rolled the dice that a hike up to Shriner Peak would be protected by The Mountain's rain shadow effect. No such luck today-  between the warm temps, the high humidity and being in the low clouds, we were quickly soaking wet.

No worries- we were in good cheer, enjoying a pleasant day of story sharing and a lovely trail to ourselves for the morning.

We made the 4.2 miles up in 3 hours, arriving at the lookout for an early lunch without a view except the interior of the lookout. (It has a very cool, very old stove.)

After several photos of our group, the lookout and the survey marker, we made a quick decent of the trail. Just about noon, we began to encounter others coming up the trail. First a trickle, then a stream of people. By this time, the weather was easing up, the clouds lifting.

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Back at the trailhead, we had made it down the 4.2 miles in two hours. We were pretty wet, but pretty happy and looking forward to getting out on the trail together again, soon.