Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Day Hike - Snoquera Falls Loop

Cloudy overcast didn't stop us from hiking the loop trail, much to our amusement.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • We went counter-clockwise on the loop. Trail fairly moist, but not muddy, throughout. Encountered a Forest Service work crew replacing a culvert in a stream almost at the beginning of the trail While there was evidence of the work crew cutting through a couple of downfall trees, thee were still some to negotiate.  Not difficult to get by them. At the foot of the falls, the stream was only a couple of inches deep, at most. Once past, we came to the reported washout, there is a boot trail through, but still a bit scrambly.  The rest of the northern half was 'normal'.

Everyone was in good shape and talked with each other almost the entire time. Also, everyone was willing to share wildflower identification and other features as well.