
Trip Report    

Day Hike - Snow Lake

Beautiful evening for dinner with a view of a beautiful alpine lake.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Intermittent snow pack along the trail to the ridge overlooking the lake and then solid snow down to the lake.  Snow is melting fast and so the waterfalls are really flowing.  The stream crossings are a bit high, but no problem to cross as this day didn't have extreme temperatures. It is a rocky trail, no blowdown to clear. 

It was cloudy in town, but we had some blue skies and pleasant temperatures at Snow Lake. Due to recent trip reports advising microspikes, I required them. 100% compliance - what a great group! Only two people used them  on the way down.  The snow was slushy enough to hold our steps and there were long rocky stretches between snow fields. The waterfalls are incredible with all the snow melt and while the stream crossings are high, we kept our feet dry.

We stopped at the ridge and had a great view of the lake for dinner. There was solid snow on the trail down to the lake and it would have slowed us down too much for an evening hike. We like to get back to the cars before dark. Now blooming: many Glacier lilies, Trilliums, Flowering red currant, Wood violets and more.

Two hikers crossing a creek

Two hikers admiring mountain view

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