Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Day Hike - Summit Lake

Nice hike, really rough road, snow at lake, pack your ten essentials!

  • Road recommended for high clearance only
  • Forest service road to Summit lake trail head is a  very rough 6 ish miles, recommend 4 wheel driver or durable vehicle. No bathrooms at trail head, too many people leaving toilet paper in woods! Leave no trace please. 

    Ample parking at trail head. Trail had one root obstacle, ify but doable " foot bridge", tree to go up and around. Snow at actual lake, take micro spikes. Bugs are out, wear long clothes or spray. 

    Lots  of people with dogs on trail, saw evidence, again "Leave no trace"! One fellow reported his dog scared a small bear. We did not see the bear. 

    Be prepared for all weather, take the ten essentials and be careful where the water could start around the shore. Wild flowers are starting and that is a plus. Would love to do this hike when snow is melted and go to small summit above the lake! 

Summit lake in snow 6 23 18.jpg