Trip Report    

Day Hike - Umtanum Ridge

Spring is still at an early stage on the north side of Umtanum Ridge.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • The Ellensburg Pass road has one short stretch of deep mud as it descends to meet Umtanum Creek, passable with my Forester but could be problematic for the family sedan.

We parked at spur road with a bulletin board about 100 yards west of the parking lot for Umtanum Falls.  We then followed a system of decommissioned roads (and occasional elk trails) south up Umtanum Ridge to hit the ridge top near where the Black Canyon road tops out.  Navigation required a certain amount of improvisation, partly because partial snow cover obscured the most well traveled route and the USGS map lacked detail of the road system.

Despite winter’s lingering hold, a variety of flowers and birds were to be seen though in limited numbers.